New posts in lxc

Do LXC containers have access to PCI components such as PCIe SSDs and GPUs?

Where are lxc containers security borderlines?

Proxmox. ERROR: Backup of VM failed - CT is locked (backup)

Docker: How to live sync host folder with container folder?

What is required to activate cgroups in Linux

lxd container: port forwarding like docker

AppArmor denying a mount operation

Cannot port forward with UFW on Ubuntu

How to Migrate Physical 12.04 Machine into LXC

How do I allow /dev/net/Tun in a LXD managed LXC container?

A Linux container can use an authorized_keys file outside my home directory, but ephemeral containers based on it can't. Why?

DNS works with host, but not with wget

How can I run a Snappy / ubuntu-core image with LXD

LXD containers and networking with static IP

Allow loop mounting files inside LXC containers?

What is the difference between containers and virtual machines?

Is there a way to configure lxd containers with cloud config at provision time?

Copy lxd containers between hosts

How to install ubuntu server for lxc on a smartphone (ARM or x86, bare metal)?

Can't get LCX bridge to work