New posts in logrotate

logrotate unable to rotate logs, getting "No such file error"

Rotating logs generated by a process that logs to stdin

logrotate fails to instruct Apache to reopen logs on Amazon Linux

Why do JBoss and Logrotate create log files full of NUL characters?

How does logrotate handle concurrency?

Centos/Linux setting logrotate to maximum file size for all logs

logrotate rename files with date

How can I get logrotate dateext to reflect the log date rather than the rotation date?

How to rotate a log file from crontab?

Apache access log rotation

Free-space driven log rotation on linux?

Log rotate log from standard out

Preventing logrotate's dateext from overwriting files

Logrotate creates long names and does not delete logs

log rotation --Windows [closed]

Apache2 and logrotate: delaycompress needed?

apache restarted/reloaded config by itself automatically, why?

logrotate security

Rsyslog stops sending data to remote server after log rotation

Logrotate no longer reads symlinked configuration file due to non-root ownership