log rotation --Windows [closed]

Windows automatically ages old log entries and has for years. Set the max log size or minimum ages and make sure you have the disk space to support your settings. Settings can be controlled server by server or centrally through group policy. More here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb726966.aspx \

You might try LogRotateWin. It implements logrotate on Windows. You configure it with text config files in the same syntax as the Unix logrotate and run it from a scheduled task.

As much as it's pure evil to risk giving @EvanAnderson more rep by linking to one of his answers, it applies in this case.

It seems like most people don't know about this feature, but Windows will rotate the log files automatically if so-configured. Look for "AutoBackupLogFiles" in this file.

(Referencing a GPO Administrative Template he's got linked in his answer).