New posts in logback

Why calling LoggerFactory.getLogger(...) every time is not recommended?

How to use multiple configurations with logback in a single project?

How to create 2 different ROOT loggers with logback?

Run Logback in Debug

Setting Logback Appender path programmatically

SLF4J + Logback does not log in WildFly

How to roll the log file on startup in logback

Unable to use Spring Property Placeholders in logback.xml

Suppress all Logback output to console?

-Dlogback.configurationFile=logback.xml ignored when running Spring-Boot

Disable the log from specific class/jar via logback.xml

Setting logback.xml path programmatically

Force slf4j to use logback

How do I set up commons-logging to use logback?

Rolling logback logs on filesize and time

logback: Two appenders, multiple loggers, different levels

Configure logback using several profiles

Spring Boot - no log file written (logging.file is not respected)

Mask sensitive data in logs with logback

Are there technical reasons to prefer using logback instead of log4j?