New posts in localization

Localization commutes with Hom for finitely-generated modules

Get values from *.resx files in XAML

If $P\subset A$ is a prime ideal and $S\subset A$ is a multiplicatively closed subset with $P\cap S=\emptyset$, why is $A_P\cong S^{-1}A_{S^{-1}P}$?

How do you handle non-breaking hyphen in vue-i18n translations?

Configure Visual Studio to show error messages in English

Induced map between localizations

Changing language on iOS 8.1 simulator does not work

Saturated sets and A-algebras [duplicate]

How to change 'data-val-number' message validation in MVC while it is generated by @Html helper

Export helper functions with Material-UI theme support

What's the best database structure to keep multilingual data? [duplicate]

Integral domain with a quotient field

Total quotient ring and its properties

Why does Java's java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter#format(LocalDateTime) add a year?

Saturation and Jacobson radical

how to change source file encoding in csharp project (visual studio / msbuild machine)?

Can I change the default language of a application / program in Snow Leopard?

commutative rings whose localization at every prime ideal is a field

whiskers vs sideburns usage in UK vs US English?

Prove that there exists a canonical isomorphism of A-algebras [closed]