New posts in kibana

Logstash, Kibana and email alerts

worker_connections are not enough

Kibana query exact match

How do I exclude multiple terms in Kibana 4

"Index Patterns: Please specify a default index pattern" in Kibana

How to create multiple indexes in logstash.conf file?

Kinesis Firehose to ES using a lambda transformation

Kibana4 + nginx reverse proxy using location /kibana4/ = Not Found 404

Why is this exclude_lines in filebeat excluding all logs?

How to do "where not exists" type filtering in Kibana/ELK?

Elastic Kibana - install as windows service

Exclude some indexes from elasticsearch query

How to list unique values of a particular field in Kibana

how to set fielddata=true in kibana

How to know elastic search installed version from kibana?

How to retrieve unique count of a field using Kibana + Elastic Search

Error Could not contact Elasticsearch at http://localhost:9200. - kibana dashboard

difference between a field and the field.keyword

Kibana pie chart that fetches only a substring of a field

Elasticsearch is still initializing the kibana index