New posts in jq

jq - How to filter a json that does not contain

How to convert an epoch time in millisecond into an ISO like string according to local time?

Removing and adding key-value from JSON file using jq

json - select object without quotation using jq tool

List public IP addresses of EC2 instances

jq - How do I print a parent value of an object when I am already deep into the object's children?

Tranforme each item in JSON array to JSON Object

How to convert a JSON object to key=value format in jq?

Iterating through JSON array in Shell script

Convert a JSON array to a bash array of strings

How to filter array of objects by element property values using jq?

Converting a list of objects to an array

Output specific key value in object for each element in array with jq for JSON

Install jq JSON processor on Ubuntu 10.04

jq: Object cannot be csv-formatted, only array

Convert string to json in jq

How to run jq from gitbash in windows?

How to use jq streaming for processing large array of objects and convert into array of objects

jq: output array of json objects [duplicate]

Can I pass a string variable to jq not the file?