New posts in java-8

CompletableFuture, supplyAsync() and thenApply()

Simplest way to print an `IntStream` as a `String`

Where is the Java 8 Consumer with more than one argument?

Avoid NoSuchElementException with Stream

Java 8 Lambda: Comparator

Java 11 -- performance regressions against Java 8? [duplicate]

Is it OK to have one instance of SQLiteOpenHelper shared by all Activities in an Android application?

How do Java 8 array constructor references work?

Does Java 8 lack a Stream.concat working on a varags of streams?

Java 8 Convert given time and time zone to UTC time

Converting Array to List

Different generic behaviour when using lambda instead of explicit anonymous inner class

Constructor reference - no warning when generics array is created

Why Instant does not support operations with ChronoUnit.YEARS?

How do you assign a lambda to a variable in Java 8?

Compiling a Java Class in memory with `lombok` annotations and Java JDK 8

Why is Java 14 not LTS?

How do I get an IntStream from a List<Integer>?

My mapperImpl by mapstruct is not generating getters and setters

JDK 8 - "The type java.util.Map$Entry cannot be resolved" [duplicate]

Unable to deserialize lambda