New posts in jasper-reports

How to merge cells in same column, apply rowspan?

Multiple queries in a single jasper document

Passing the List of primitive type objects as datasource for subreport

PDF Generation Library for Java [closed]

How to insert images from database?

Can't load jrxml located in jar file via JRXmlLoader: getting [duplicate]

How to create multiple tables in jasper report using json as a datasource?

JasperReports: CONCATENATE function not found

JasperReports: How to pass parameter to subReport

How to collate multiple jrxml jasper reports into a one single pdf output file

JDBCConnectionException "Unable to acquire JDBC Connection" with spring boot

JasperReports NoClassDefFoundError exception on net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRStyledTextParser

What is the difference between variable, parameter and field in JasperReports?

Stretch a row with data overflow while having multiple rows in a single band

Combining two Jasper reports

Generate Jasper report with subreport from java

Adding table border in jasperreports

How to hide textField for specified exporter. For example for not HTML

Automatically open the printer dialog after providing PDF download

How can I export report to PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-1b?