New posts in itunes-store

iTunes Store Doesn't Recognize iTunes Library

Change iTunes Store country and keep Apple Music library?

Can I use one Apple ID for Apple Music and another for iTunes & App Store?

Verification required when attempting to purchase free app

Download entire iTunes purchase history as CSV file (MacOS High Sierra)

How can I change the country of an iTunes account?

There is no Credit/Debit Card on the Apple Online Store associated with your Apple ID

Disable Two-Factor Authentication for macOS?

Why are past purchases no longer showing after I change country of my Apple ID?

How can I download free apps without registering an Apple ID?

Is there any way to get a generic (country-unrelated) iTunes link?

Checking iTunes collection for DRM

What happens to my purchased music if I cancelled my Apple Music subscription?

Is it possible to COMPLETELY delete a Book from my purchased books?

How to remove the "Could not connect to the iTunes store" error message when your network does not allow access to the iTunes Store