New posts in iphone

Get video NSData from ALAsset url iOS

Save and Retrieve of an UIImage on CoreData

Core Data vs Sqlite and performance

How do I programmatically set the Return Key for a particular UITextField?

SCNetworkReachability compiling error

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What happens to JavaScript code after app is compiled using Titanium Mobile

How to change MKMapView's user-location blue dot to an image of choice?

Bluetooth LE RSSI for proximity detection iOS

iPhone AVFoundation camera orientation

Can the Location Services tell me where my iPhone was this morning?

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iPhone In App Purchase - response.products are still empty?

Animate Rotating UIImageView

Steps to create and edit a plist file in Xcode

Why do you need to use iTunes to delete photos?

I can't delete photos on my iPhone 4s even though the delete button is there, why?

Create object from NSString of class name in Objective-C

NSManagedObjectContext performBlockAndWait: doesn't execute on background thread?

How can I change the volume level of the dictation sound in iOS?