New posts in ios9

Does App Store reject submission if NSAllowsArbitraryLoads set to YES?

What is the impact of the "Requires full screen" option in Xcode for an iPhone-only app?

error: Invalid bitcode version (Producer: '800.0.35.0_0' Reader: '703.0.31_0')

Apple Live Photo file format

What's the height of a UITabBar on iOS 8, iOS 9, iOS 10, and iOS 11?

How to play mp3 audio from URL in ios swift

App Transport Security and IP addresses in iOS9

iOS 9 Splash screen is black

Native Facebook app does not open with Facebook login in iOS 9

changing property contentsGravity in transform-only layer, will have no effect

XPC connection interrupted in Xcode 7 for iOS 9

fatal error: swapping a location with itself is not supported with Swift 2.0

Xcode 7 iOS 9 UITableViewCell Separator Inset issue

iOS 9 Safari: changing an element to fixed position while scrolling won't paint until scroll stops

Xcode 7.2: In “Archive”: Getting the issue: “Cordova/CDVViewController.h’ file not found ”. While there is no such issues in building the app

How to hide the shortcut bar in iOS9

How to fetch all contacts record in iOS 9 using Contacts Framework

Core Data - Failed to load optimized model at path

What is causing this: Cannot jump from switch statement to this case label [duplicate]

the behavior of the UICollectionViewFlowLayout is not defined, because the cell width is greater than collectionView width