New posts in inverse

Solving $\arcsin\left(2x\sqrt{1-x^2}\right) = 2 \arcsin x$

Inequality for 0-1-matrices.

Prove that the inverse operator of (Id-M) is both bounded and has operator norm less than $\frac{1}{{1 - \gamma }}$

Continuity of the inverse $f^{-1}$ at $f(x)$ when $f$ is bijective and continuous at $x$.

Efficient diagonal update of matrix inverse

Calculating the trace of the product of two matrices

Showing a function is bijective and finding its inverse

How to find the inverse cosine without a calculator

Is there something wrong with this question concerning Groups

Example of a linear operator on some vector space with more than one right inverse.

$f$ is continuous $ \iff $ $f^{-1}$ is continuous?

First order differential equation involving inverses

Understanding Multiplicative Inverse in RSA

Inverse of non-square matrix

Calculating Modular Multiplicative Inverse for negative values of a.

Inverse fourier transformation in OpenCV

Use the complex definition of $\sin z$ to find an expression for $\sin^{-1} z$

convexity of inverse function

Example of a continuous function with a discontinuous inverse

$(a,b) \mathbin\# (c,d)=(a+c,b+d)$ and $(a,b) \mathbin\&(c,d)=(ac-bd(r^2+s^2), ad+bc+2rbd)$. Multiplicative inverse?