New posts in installation

How do I configure gnome-screensaver?

How can I backup my windows XP drivers?

Can I create a Chocolatey installer automatically based on my currently installed applications? How?

How to run Java programs by clicking on their icon on Windows?

WIX Installer: Prevent installation on Windows Server 2012 R2

Apache SSL Installation

How to find out which windows version my product key matches?

How can I install gcj on Linux?

Partition Alignment Confusion [duplicate]

how to install Kundli 2002 on Windows 7?

Couldn't find any package by regex - ruby

How to fix _decimal module compilation error when installing Python 3.3.2 in CentOS 5.9 (x86_64)?

windows installer service could not be started

Problems installing x2goserver-xsession on a fresh install of CentOS 7.1 on Amazon EC2

How to install ubuntu-restricted-extras without ttf-mscorefonts-installer

Override RPM install path

How can I install Ubuntu if my computer doesn't boot from the CD?

How do I add the unallocated space to my ubuntu installation after deleting the Windows XP Partition?

I can't install Flash on Ubuntu 13.04

Why do msi installations use slower drives over faster ones in windows 7?