New posts in indefinite-integrals

Calculating $\int x dx$ using trigonometric functions

Can I flip the integral and sum here?

Integrate :$\int\frac{1}{\sqrt[3]{\tan(x)}}\, \mathrm dx$

How to evaluate $\int \cos^2x \ dx$

Integral of floor function: $\int \,\left\lfloor\frac{1}{x}\right\rfloor\, dx$

What is the integral of $e^x \tan(x)$?

Avoiding the Integration Constant

How to find integral of the form $e^xf(x)$?

Is there a different approach to evaluate $\int \ln(x)\,\mathrm{d}x?$

How to evaluate the trigonometric integral $\int \frac{1}{\cos x+\tan x }dx$

Integrating trigonometric function problem $\int \frac{3\sin x+2\cos x}{2\sin x+3\cos x}dx$ [duplicate]

How do I evaluate $\int \frac {x+4}{ 2x+6 } dx $?

How can a function have an antiderivative that can't be written?

Indefinite intergral of $\int { \sqrt{ x^2-a^2} \over x } \mathrm dx $

Integral of $\sqrt{x^3 + 8}$?

Evaluate $\int \frac{\sqrt{x^2-1}}{x} \mathrm{d}x$

Evaluate integral $\int \frac{(2-x^2)e^x}{(1-x)(\sqrt{1-x^2})}dx $

Why can I make a non-injective variable substitution?

Evaluating $\int\frac{x^b}{1+x^a}~dx$ for $a,b\in\Bbb N$

Functions with $\mathrm s(x)^n+ \mathrm c(x)^n \equiv 1$