New posts in hypernyms

Generic word for hyphen, dash, minus sign, etc.?

Is there single name for Web Design, Web Development and Web Based Software Development?

Is there a word for something that you put on a fire?

Hypernym for “sender” and “recipient” (in terms of a shipment) [closed]

Hypernym for "pertaining to (body part)"?

A word that encompasses buying and selling?

1 word for books, videos, podcasts, speeches, etc. (learning materials)

Single word for denoting "various divisions of the day" [duplicate]

Dating equivalent of 'spouse'

Impartial or generic word for both stretch/dilate and squeeze/compress

What do you call a person working in law?

Hypernym for laws and rules

Financial / Banking Words

Hypernym for "webinars" and "podcasts"

Single term for "upload or download"?

Hypernym for "business", "company", "organization", "institution"

Is there a hypernym for "horizontal" and "vertical"?

What is the status of being dead or alive called?

What is the common name/word for movies, games, songs, books etc? [closed]

A superset of contractor, employee and businesses?