New posts in http-basic-authentication

IIS 7.5 basic authentication and Active Directory validation

Protecting a location by IP while applying basic auth everywhere else

Nginx: Basic_auth is set up and working, but all protected pages return 404

how to correctly configure Httpd basic auth for pass through proxy

Can I use rate-limiting with HTTP basic authentication in Apache?

Is it possible to use a auth_basic password protection using linux users and passwords?

Apache 2.4 http auth doesn't prompt credentials

service static files under nginx & HTTP-Authentication

How do I secure a .NET (MVC) website prior to launch?

Respond to HTTP OPTIONS with basic auth

Where to set username/password for BASIC authentication in IIS7

How can I protect a Tomcat webapp that's reverse proxied in an Apache2 virtual host using basic authentication?

nginx basic_auth fails when moving outside location, to "root"

Apache up in flames (AH00025). How to fix?

CUPS basic auth error through web interface

IIS Basic Authorization ala .htaccess/.htpasswd in apache

Configure Basic Authentication on Azure's App Service

How to Exclude Basic Auth from Nginx Subdomain

Nginx Http Basic Auth Security

I'm not sure if basic auth on my server is being secured