New posts in hdf5

Experience with using h5py to do analytical work on big data in Python?

numpy undefined symbol: PyFPE_jbuf

MATLAB: Differences between .mat versions

ImportError HDFStore requires PyTables No module named tables

How to append data to one specific dataset in a hdf5 file with h5py

How to get faster code than for matrix multiplication?

How to deal with hdf5 files in R?

Storing numpy sparse matrix in HDF5 (PyTables)

Incremental writes to hdf5 with h5py

How is HDF5 different from a folder with files?

HDF5 - concurrency, compression & I/O performance [closed]

Opinions on NetCDF vs HDF5 for storing scientific data?

How can I combine multiple .h5 file?

[caffe]: check fails: Check failed: hdf_blobs_[i]->shape(0) == num (200 vs. 6000)

Saving to hdf5 is very slow (Python freezing)

Is there an analysis speed or memory usage advantage to using HDF5 for large array storage (instead of flat binary files)?

How to read HDF5 files in Python

Optimal HDF5 dataset chunk shape for reading rows

Missing optional dependency 'tables'. In pandas to_hdf

"Large data" workflows using pandas [closed]