New posts in hard-drive

What are typical drive lifetimes?

El Capitan's Disk Utility won't format new 3 TB drives higher than 800 GB

How to make the system detect hard drives as a designated block? (e.g. /dev/sde)

Acronis Disk Director AFTER Clone Disk error: PXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable

Windows 7 System process reading/writing like crazy

Once backward conversion of encryption has started, can it be stopped?

Repeated BSODs (0x7A) while Win 7 is running

SD Card Scam... Undo Hack to Original Size

Why can't I see my new harddrive on my Ubuntu box?

Unresponsive when running `df` or `ls` in a Directory of Mount Points

Windows bug? Freeze while copying files. Parallel another copy may unfreeze

Windows 8 PID4 Constantly Writing to "wfpdiag.etl"

How do I tell which processes are writing heavily to disk in CentOS 5?

What could cause the files to be replaced with null bytes, size and timestamp not modified?

How can I repartition and format 'Toshiba USB 2.0 ext HDD USB device' containing CDFS partition?

Diagnose Issues with USB External Hard Drive

SAN Disk Allocation

If you uninstall the primary Windows hard drive drivers, are these reinstalled during next boot?

LSI MegaRaid - Image Drive from Failed RAID

Increasing a user's home directory size, external drive?