SD Card Scam... Undo Hack to Original Size

I bought a 1 TB Micro SD Card off of Amazon and got scammed. When I put it in the computer it looks like it's the right size. But if I reformat it or check the drive information with any kinda of developer tool I can see that 3/4ths of the space is "used" by nothing. Even right after a reformat. I zero'd out the card just incase but that did nothing (as I expected it wouldn't).

What I want to do now (and need steps to follow to do this) is to undo this ridiculous hack and restore this card to whatever size it was originally. It might be a silly 8G card... or maybe it will end up being a 250G one... who knows. But either way I want to try and restore it and see.

Right now whenever I put a large file on this SD card it corrupts all files because its trying to pretend to be larger than it is, and it's doing this by re-writing over the first few sectors over and over again.

So again, not trying to get the 1TB back... I know I was scammed and the memory just isn't there in the card. However, I still want something for my money so I am hoping I can turn this back into a lower sized card.


Please don't give me your opinion on whether this is a good use of my time or not, I can decide that for myself thank you. I am looking for steps to

  • Go into the SD card via the "correct" hardware (regardless of the efforts)
  • Update/change the microcontroller code in the device
  • Buy a piece of hardware that can help me to undo this

I stated above in my question (twice) that I am NOT trying to create space that doesn't exist. I just want to turn this back into the normal sized drive it was before-hand. If you care about the non-technical side (which clearly people are caring...) I am convinced this is a 64G SD drive and I could actually use that for some other project. That project... is learning how SD cards work.

Solution 1:

You can try F3 - Fight Flash Fraud. It works best, more completely, in Linux.

It has a good track record / success rate but it's not guaranteed in all situations. Meaning: It won't detect the actual capacity in all situations and even it does it may not be possible to recover it in some usable form, even temporary.

No SD or USB flash drive coming from this scams should be used for anything important.

If backups are a must in any situation for any files we can't afford to loose even more so in this case due to reliability issues. The typical source for this scams are very old and/or factory rejects (failed QC) that will totally fail much sooner than their known good counterparts.

Solution 2:

Sometimes creating a partition that spans only a part of the memory card may work, but it's not safe.

That's because the storage inside the card isn't accessible directly to the computer. The controller is maintaining an additional mapping of logical blocks (that computer sees) to physical blocks (that are actually there). This is necessary because rewriting, or even re-reading a block repeatedly, can cause it or its neighbors to degrade. The controller reallocates such blocks to an unused physical location and updates the mapping, so that logical blocks remain unchanged and the computer doesn't notice anything.

This mechanism is very reliable on a proper SD card, but with fake capacity cards the controller doesn't realize that these spare, supposedly unused locations actually overlap other locations that may be in use. Two logical sectors will correspond to a single physical one, breaking data consistency.

So all in all: You can try to leave the "fake" space unpartitioned, but don't trust this card ever.

Solution 3:

Don't bother.

That's the advice from:

which says, "Memory cards continue to be next to impossible to repair. Few succeed. You can’t open them. You will usually get the wrong VOD and PID information because of interference from the usb reader. Some people do succeed but there is no tried and true method as yet for everyone."

A bit earlier, the page notes, "It is possible to restore usb flash drives that have been hacked. MP3 MP4 and MP5 players too." And, "You need the right low level reformatting tool to succeed, use the wrong tool, you" lose it.

Lots more information on that web page is discussing your exact scenario.