New posts in hadoop

Create HIVE Table with multi character delimiter

java.sql.SQLException: org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException in hive?

Setting textinputformat.record.delimiter in spark

I can't connect to Hadoop port 9000

Spark iterate HDFS directory

How to export data from Spark SQL to CSV

Forward-sync to HDFS? (OR continue an incomplete hdfs upload?)

Is it better to have one large parquet file or lots of smaller parquet files?

Hive load CSV with commas in quoted fields

How are HDFS files getting stored on underlying OS filesystem?

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.SessionHiveMetaStoreClient

Default number of reducers

Hadoop - Name Node and Data Node on the same machine

Hadoop: «ERROR : JAVA_HOME is not set»

How to list all files in a directory and its subdirectories in hadoop hdfs

how to allow VMs and host ping each other?

How to overwrite the existing files using hadoop fs -copyToLocal command

How to restart a failed task on Airflow

Where are logs in Spark on YARN?

What is the relation between '' and '' in Apache Hadoop YARN?