New posts in growl

Cross-platform desktop notifier in Python

How to Send RubyMine Notifications to Growl?

Is it possible to set the duration of a GrowlNotify notification?

Force Colloquy not to use built-in Growl notifications

Do I need to buy Growl in order to use the iterm2 growl feature?

How to remove GrowlMail (on Mavericks)?

Configure Growl notifications to follow active display?

Growl notifications with

How do I get growl for windows to use native windows 8/10 notifications?

Terminal Beeps (output) and Growl

Mac Sudden Motion Sensor: Obtaining activation state

Notifications on Mac OS X

Growl notifications when a user logs in to Minecraft server?

Growl Notifications for Shell Task Completion

Replace HardwareGrowler for hardware and system events notifications on MacOS?

How do I use gntp-send?

How to install working GrowlVoice from scratch on Mac OS 10.9.5 (Mavericks)?

What's the Linux equivalent of OS X's Growl?

Is there a good replacement for Growl/Prowl?

Why does Google Chrome mount and unmount a volume every few hours?