New posts in graph-theory

How to find chromatic number of the $n$-dimensional hypercube $Q_n$?

A game on a graph

Prove that the chromatic polynomial of a cycle graph $C_{n}$ equals $(k-1)^{n} + (k-1)(-1)^{n}$

The $n$ Immortals problem.

What is the difference between a loop, cycle and strongly connected components in Graph Theory?

Square of dominos with equal side sum?

$K_6$ contains at least two monochromatic $K_3$ graphs.

Is the empty graph connected?

Textbook on Graph Theory using Linear Algebra

Show that every graph $G$ has a bipartite subgraph with at least half of the edges of $G$

How to construct a k-regular graph?

How to find the number of perfect matchings in complete graphs?

Is this graph connected

Average swaps needed for a random bubble sort algorithm

Human checkable proof of the Four Color Theorem?

What is the smallest digraph whose reflexive, symmetric, transitive closures (in all combinations) are distinct?

Not lifting your pen on the $n\times n$ grid

How many knight's tours are there?

Difference between graph homomorphism and graph isomorphism

Understanding the properties and use of the Laplacian matrix (and its norm)