New posts in gradle

How can my Gradle build initialize class org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.Verifier?

"Failed to resolve:" and other similar errors on Gradle sync [duplicate]

Gradle DSL method not found: 'apt()'

How to enable debug on my JUnit through Gradle test task

How to deploy with Gitlab-Ci to EC2 using AWS CodeDeploy/CodePipeline/S3

Gradle exclude specific files inside dependency

"AndroidManifest.xml doesn't exist or has incorrect root tag" Error

how to copy the dependencies libraries JARs in gradle

SDK Location not found Android Studio + Gradle

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tools/ant/util/ReaderInputStream vaadin+gradle+intelliJ

Run parallel test task using gradle

Gradle sync failed: Unable to find method

After update android studio could not create parent directory for lock file

Gradle 1.2: Exclude directory under resources sourceSets

How to exclude res folder from gradle build flavours?

Gradle could not resolve project :linkedin-sdk

How would I add an annotation to exclude a method from a jacoco code coverage report?

Gradle, How To Disable All Transitive Dependencies

How to customize the APK file name for product flavors?

Add '--warning-mode all' command line argument in Android Studio