New posts in gps

will running Google Latitude (or any similar app) in the background significantly affect battery life?

How can I check the current status of the GPS receiver?

Bluetooth GPS on iPad

Is there an app to disable everything but GPS on iPhone?

Algorithm to find all Latitude Longitude locations within a certain distance from a given Lat Lng location

How accurate is the GPS chip in the iPhone 4?

Why do only some images received via iMessage have GPS data?

Why using a GPS usb stick increases the latency of my WiFi connection?

GPS Exif from iPhone photo upload in Safari?

Convert from latitude, longitude to x, y

How to trigger broadcast receiver when gps is turn on/off?

getlastknownlocation always return null after I re-install the apk file via eclipse

Extract a GPS track (as .gpx) from a series of jpg photos

How can I tell when the iPhone is actively using GPS versus only using region monitoring?

How is my iPod Touch able to determine my location when I'm offline?

Is it possible to connect two iPhones to the same external GPS device?

Android "gps requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" error, even though my manifest file contains this

Linux ntpd leap second preparation

ICS Android enable gps programmatically?

NTP Configuration not being used