New posts in gparted

Fixing damaged partition table

Set bios_grub flag to partition

Resize Boot Partition Next to An Extended Partition

How can I create an usable partition with unallocated space?

A start job is running for dev-disk-by x2duuid-ad0b043b\x2d404c... .device (7s / 1min 30s)

Gparted partition resize gone wrong - failed to read last sector

Can't resize /dev/sda1 on gparted on Ubuntu 14.10 VirtualBox

How do I boot VMWare guest with gParted in VMWare Infrastructure Client?

Gparted error - Segmentation fault (core dumped)

"No space left on device" after resizing partition

Not able to see other partitions in ubuntu file manager with GParted running

How to Expand partition with a new partition on the left or preceding sectors

How to resize system partition in Win 10 on a physical machine when unallocated space is not next to the partition?

Is GParted very reliable? Is it as good as Partition Magic?

Corrupt pendrive after making live Ubuntu installer

Installing Ubuntu 14.04 on a F2FS partition

How to fix a unknown partition without format?

How can I resize an NTFS partition when there are bad sectors?

Installed GParted but it's not opening

Identifying partition creation dates and deleting one