New posts in google-signin

AWS Cognito: Best practice to handle same user (with same email address) signing in from different identity providers (Google, Facebook)

How to refresh expired google sign-in logins?

gapi.auth2.ExternallyVisibleError: Invalid cookiePolicy

Android: What is transport and jsonFactory in GoogleIdTokenVerifier.Builder?

Error 12501 authenticating with google sign-in

Is there another place to get a google-services.json?

Get person details in new google sign in Play Services 8.3

gapi is not defined - Google sign in issue with gapi.auth2.init

Error: Could not find when adding google service plugin in build.gradle in android studio

Firebase Authentication Not working in signed APK

ITMS-90535 Unable to publish iOS app with latest Google Signin SDK

Firebase Login with Flutter using onAuthStateChanged

Google: Permission denied to generate login hint for target domain NOT on localhost

Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForDebug' while implementing Google sign in for Android

App getting crash when click on GoogleSignIn button

Google sign in not working after publishing in play store

iOS 10 GM release error when submitting apps "app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description" due to GoogleSignIn, AdMob

Google Sign-In crashes on iOS 9 attempting to call canOpenURL

How to get profile like gender from google signin in Android?

Retrieve Google Access Token after authenticated using Firebase Authentication