New posts in galois-theory

The radical solution of a solvable 17th degree equation

If Gal(K,Q) is abelian then |Gal(K,Q)|=n

Finding Galois group of $x^6 - 3x^3 + 2$

Exercises on Galois Theory

Galois group of the product of two fields being the product of Galois groups?

Conceptual reason why a quadratic field has $-1$ as a norm if and only if it is a subfield of a $\mathbb{Z}/4$ extension?

Why $E\otimes_KE\cong EG$ implies that Galois theory works?

Galois group of a reducible polynomial over $\mathbb {Q}$

Galois group over $p$-adic numbers

Need help understanding separable polynomials

Is every primitive element of a finite field of characteristic $2$, a generator of the multiplicative group?

Expressing a root of a polynomial as a rational function of another root

Splitting fields of polynomials over finite fields

Structure of $Gal(\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_{15})/\mathbb{Q})$?

Galois group of algebraic closure of a finite field

Galois Groups of Finite Extensions of Fixed Fields

$f \in K[X]$ of degree $n$ with Galois group $S_n$, why are there no non-trivial intermediate fields of $K \subset K(a)$ with $a$ a root of $f$?

Is a polynomial equation of degree $\ge 5$ not solvable by any way?

Find the minimal polynomial of $\sqrt2 + \sqrt3 $ over $\mathbb Q$

Totally real Galois extension of given degree