New posts in functions

Why is there no function with a nonempty domain and an empty range?

What is the difference between $\arg\max$ and $\max$?

How can a "proper" function have a vertical slope?

Which functions satisfy $f^n(x) = f(x)^n$ for some $n \ge 2$?

Finding an exponential model $ f ( x ) = a ( b ) ^ x $ satisfying $ f ( 2 ) = 3 $ and $ f ( 5 ) = 54 $

On polynomials satisfying $f\bigl(f(x)\bigr)=x$

What does it mean when two functions are "orthogonal", why is it important?

Bijection $f: N_n\to N_m$

how to solve binary form $ax^2+bxy+cy^2=m$, for integer and rational $ (x,y)$

What is a function?

Show that if $g \circ f$ is injective, then so is $f$.

Construct a monotone function which has countably many discontinuities

Dog bone-shaped curve: $|x|^x=|y|^y$

Characterising functions $f$ that can be written as $f = g \circ g$?

$\lfloor \sqrt n+\sqrt {n+1}+\sqrt{n+2}+\sqrt{n+3}+\sqrt{n+4}\rfloor=\lfloor\sqrt {25n+49}\rfloor$ is true?

What is the algebraic structure of functions with fixed points?

Are there other kinds of bump functions than $e^\frac1{x^2-1}$?

Looking for a function such that...

Is there a function $f\colon\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ such that every non-empty open interval is mapped onto $\mathbb{R}$?

Is it possible for the derivative of a function to grow arbitrarily faster than the function itself?