New posts in fourier-transform

Fourier cosine transforms of Schwartz functions and the Fejer-Riesz theorem

Fourier sine transform of $ \frac{1}{e^{ax } - e^{-ax}} $

Computing Fourier transform of power law

$\int_{\mathbb{R}}x^2e^{-2\pi i wx}dx$ exists for no value of $w$.

Functions that are their own Fourier transform

What is the discrete analogue of the Fourier transform of the delta function, and in what sense does it hold?

Are there any non-constant "bump functions" in "closed form" whose Fourier Transforms are also in closed form?

Why do non-orthogonal basis functions encode 'redundant' information in transforms?

The Fourier transform of $1/p^3$

Fourier transform of cos(x) [closed]

What is the Fourier transform of $f(x)=e^{-x^2}$?

Fourier transform of 1/cosh

On convolution theorem and Fourier transform

convolution between $f=e^{-x/5}\chi_{[0,\infty)}(x)$ and $g=e^{x/3}\chi_{(-\infty,0]}(x)$

Why do we use trig functions in Fourier transforms, and not other periodic functions?

How to calculate the Fourier transform of a Gaussian function?

What is the difference between Fourier series and Fourier transformation?

Fourier transform for dummies