New posts in fortnite-save-the-world

Are there other ways to get People?

Can Defenders die?

Why isn’t this building collapsing?

How do I give others permission to build in my fort?

Is there a way to scroll through the skill tree faster?

What does the mid-mission Commander XP bar actually represent?

Can I see the progress of a update on a game(fortnite)using my phone?

How can my backpack be overflowed?

How to tell if a Save The World mission will have a "major storm incoming"?

Where are the best places to cop some copper?

What does the lightning bolt icon represent?

When will I get daily challenges for V-bucks in STW?

Is there any use for collecting extra BluGlo during a mission?

What does the skull icon over an attacking Husk mean?

How to get to Twine Peaks after the new Canny Valley storyline?

Save The World / Battle Royale skins; are they interchangeable?

How do Patrol Wards work?

What exactly does "online" mean in the Fortnite friend list?

What do I need to do to earn the tier 6 mission chest reward?

How do I increase my stamina?