New posts in extension-field

Do extension fields always belong to a bigger field?

If the Galois group is $S_3$, can the extension be realized as the splitting field of a cubic?

Embedding Fields in Matrix Rings

Finiteness of the Algebraic Closure

A basis for $k(X)$ regarded as a vector space over $k$

$f(x) $ be the minimal polynomial of $a$ (algebraic element) over $\mathbb Q$ , let $b=f'(a) \in \mathbb Q(a)$ , then is $\mathbb Q(a)=\mathbb Q(b)$?

Prove $\sqrt[3]{3} \notin \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[3]{2})$ [duplicate]

Does every infinite field contain a countably infinite subfield?

Let $F$ be a field, and $K$ a field extension of $F$. Prove that $[K:F] = 1$ iff $K=F$.

Is it possible for an irreducible polynomial with rational coefficients to have three zeros in an arithmetic progression?

Algebraic field extensions: Why $k(\alpha)=k[\alpha]$.

Why there is much interest in the study of $\operatorname{Gal}\left(\overline{\mathbb Q}/\mathbb Q\right)$?

Fundamental question about field extensions

localization in the D + M construction

Ring Inside an Algebraic Field Extension [duplicate]

Order of field extension

Similar matrices and field extensions

Proving that $\left(\mathbb Q[\sqrt p_1,\dots,\sqrt p_n]:\mathbb Q\right)=2^n$ for distinct primes $p_i$.