New posts in environment-variables

How to change default /tmp to /home/user/tmp

Are HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY environment variables standard?

How do you set environment variables for a single command on Windows? [duplicate]

Setting a system environment variable from a Windows batch file?

Environment variable is too large on Windows 10

Where do I set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on Mac OS X, and is it a good idea?

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException in spite of using CLASSPATH environment variable

How to add a folder to `Path` environment variable in Windows 10 (with screenshots)

How do I see a list of all currently defined environment variables in a Linux bash terminal?

Adding an .exe to default path without adding the directory

"ImportError: No module named site" on Windows

Is $HOME/.local/share the default value for $XDG_DATA_HOME in Ubuntu 14.04?

How to execute a command with "=" sign in a desktop shortcut?

Setting environment variables in OS X for GUI applications

Does the Windows Command Prompt search somewhere other than those locations specified by the PATH variable when launching application programs?

How to comment in laravel .env file?

Environment variable differences when using Paramiko

What's the ZSH equivalent of BASH's $PROMPT_COMMAND?

Running shell script with no environmental variables

Referencing environment variables *in* /etc/environment?