New posts in entity-framework-core

AddDbContext or AddDbContextPool

Passing dynamic javascript values using Url.action()

Loop/reflect through all properties in all EF Models to set Column Type

How to add the same column to all entities in EF Core?

The entity type 'Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework.IdentityUserLogin<string>' requires a key to be defined

How to copy property values to Entity Framework Core object without loosing attached context

Auto-increment on partial primary key with Entity Framework Core

How to update the model when using database first approach

How to seed users, roles when I have TWO DbContext, a) IdentityDbContext & b) AppDbContext

ASP.NET Core Entity Framework call stored procedure

Entity Framework creating table hierarchy when I don't want to [duplicate]

How to call ThenInclude twice in EF Core?

Add migration with different assembly

ASP - Core Migrate EF Core SQL DB on Startup

ASP.NET add migration 'composite primary key error' how to use fluent API

Unable to create an object of type '[DBContext's Name]'. For the different patterns supported at design time [closed]

How do you show underlying SQL query in EF Core?

Your startup project doesn't reference Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design

Entity framework EF.Functions.Like vs string.Contains

ef core, why does it generate this query instead of a simple insert? (save object graph with byte[] inside) and associated performance issue

navigation property should be virtual - not required in ef core?