Entity Framework creating table hierarchy when I don't want to [duplicate]

I have two classes SomeClass and SomeDerivedClass:

public abstract class SomeClass
    int Id { get; set; }
    public string BaseField { get; set; }  

public class SomeOtherClass : SomeClass
     public string SomeField { get; set; }

However, no matter what I try, Entity Framework tries to model the hierarchy in the database. I don't want SomeClass to be considered at all in the schema, I just want SomeOtherClass to act as its own entirely separate entity.

I want a single table called SomeOtherClass with columns Id, BaseField, and SomeField. However, Entity Framework always tries to create a table called SomeClass with a discriminator column, or one table for each.

List of things I have tried:

  • Calling .ToTable("SomeOtherClass") for both entities in OnModelCreating. Still adds a discriminator column. Tried adding HasNoDiscriminator(), but then I get the error

All the entity types in a hierarchy that don't have a discriminator must be mapped to different tables`

  • Calling .ToView(null) on SomeClass and .ToTable("SomeOtherClass") on SomeOtherClass. In this case the table loses the base columns (BaseField)
  • Calling .HasBaseType<SomeClass> .HasBaseType<SomeOtherClass > on both, but then I get an error about invalid hierarchy.
  • Making the base class abstract seems to have no effect.

How can I inherit a class in Entity Framework without it trying to make a hierarchy in the schema?

Found the answer in https://stackoverflow.com/a/49997115/472966

I had another entity referring to SomeClass directly which made EF Core think it was an entity rather than just a class.