New posts in domain-name-system

Subdomain on another host (another IP, another provider)

How does ping work when a host name has multiple ip addresses?

Setting up sub-domains with

How to setup own dns server

Redirect subdomain to different IP/folder

What is proper relationship between /etc/hosts and DNS A records for a Linux server?

DNS - Use two wildcards on different domain levels

Problems with MDNS flooding on port 5353 UDP

Can't resolve local IP using remote dns server

Caching DNS returns SERVFAIL for NS record, but dig +trace disagrees?

how to setup subdomains for AWS EC2 Ubuntu Instance?

Bind not forwarding query after upgrade from 9.11 to 9.16

Adding a DNS A record to a Win 2008R2 server from an Win 2008R2 server or Win7 via Powershell

ping -a sometimes returns host name and sometimes returns FQDN. Why? Does this mean DNS is corrupt somehow?

How Active Directory Dynamic DNS updates works behind the scenes?

Can I set up conditional forwarding for a parent DNS zone?

Switching hosting from GoDaddy to AWS

Need to understand : ping

Sendmail and nslookup resolution problems

Amazon EC2 - need to change IP address without downtime