New posts in domain-name-system

why are there several nameservers for my domain?

Multiple MX Records handling

Lightweight Linux DNS [closed]

Does HTTP get method rely on port 53 for DNS resolution?

Is there a reason to use internal DNS over

Why is my PC doing more than one DNS query for [closed]

Should I update Serial on SOA when migrating DNS for my domain

Why do CDNs use different domain names rather than subdomains? [closed]

DNS: primary zone file on one server only; if so, how do things work? [closed]

Is it possible to have one ip on main domain and a different ip on a trailing slash domain

Can a domain registrar take down a domain?

Cant resolve hostnames except using nslookup/dig in CentOS [resolved]

Determine if DNS server is master or slave with DiG

Bind: query (cache) './ANY/IN' denied - is it a DDos attack?

In a recursive DNA query procedure, if a local DNS server needs to query root DNS servers, how does it know/get their IP addresses? [closed]

Setting up an MX record for a send-only server

iptables: building a rule set against abuse for DNS amplification attacks

DNS issues on Google compute engine

Load Balancing DNS with Google Cloud Platform [closed]

What criteria should I use when choosing a registrar?