New posts in domain-name-system

DNS and joining domain

DNS A record keeps changing

How do I change the domain name of my AD DS? [closed]

Point *.local to within network

FreeIPA access from internet if dc=domain,dc=local (freeipa.domain.local)

Redoing AD: How to completely remove old domain from the network without re-installing Windows?

domain controller naming group policy [closed]

My AD domain and DNS domain names are the same. Can this be resolved with SRV secords?

How to setup NS Record to External Name Server from Internal DNS

Access service on subdomain in Kubernetes

Setting SPF record on Amazon Route 53 with cli53 tool

How to not propagate private IP address?

Is it possible to have multiple subdomain levels with DNS and Nginx?

Could not resolve hostname in curl, wget, yum on Centos

Is it possible to know/resolve multiple DNS names to IP "wildcard like"?

Single IP to access Kubernetes cluster ingress

Best CNAME TTL strategy for fallover switching

Where is reverse DNS working?

How to access/obtain Powershell DNS Server module on 2012r2?

How can I duplicate incoming DNS packets and send them to a different nameserver with iptables?