New posts in deus-ex-human-revolution

How do I get the Balls Achievement in Deus Ex?

Is there an optimum guide for spending praxis points?

Is there a quick-save shortcut?

What was that weird 'shock'/EMP I received?

What's the difference between the difficulty options?

How do I use my hacking tools effectively?

Do turrets and robots killing enemies count for the Pacifist achievement?

How many Praxis points can I expect to get in a playthrough of Deus Ex: Human Revolution?

Will Steam remember my saves if I uninstall Deus Ex: HR?

Can you kill people by dropping things on their heads?

How do I fix my bathroom mirror

Does the Laser Targeting System alert enemies?

Which missions can I earn the Ghost and/or Smooth Operator bonus on?

Is there a way to skip the opening logos in Deus Ex: Human Revolution?

What does the [h+]^3 in the icon mean?

How do I beat the Picus boss?

How exactly does the Social Enhancer augmentation work?

What are the criteria to gain the stealth bonus experience at the end of missions?

In Deus Ex Human Revolution can you keep earned "augs" to start a new game?

Should I have played the first game and/or Invisible War to fully understand Human Revolution?