Will Steam remember my saves if I uninstall Deus Ex: HR?

I couldn't run DX:HR with the graphics up all the way so I took them down a notch until I got a new computer.

Do I have to move my save files to my new computer to keep my character?

Or do they save in steam so I can play them on my new computer without saving them and moving them?

Solution 1:

It took some time but the answer is;

Fact: Yes, steam will store your saves in "the cloud" and they'll be accessible from another computer if you log in.

RANT: That said, they'll lose your last 2 saves and you'll have to replay the last 10 minutes of play - this is because Steam is unreliable...

Fact: If you don't let steam synchronise or DX:HR crashes as you're closing it, the sync may fail as described in the rant above.

Solution 2:

One of the nice features of Steam is that it lets you install your games on more than one computer at a time.

If you can set up your new computer without tearing down your old one, install Steam and DX:HR on the new one (you'll have to eventually, after all) and see if your saved games are grabbed from the cloud. If not, copy them over from your old computer.

Googling for "deus ex human revolution saved games cloud" turns up a number of people having problems getting their saves into — or deleting them from — the cloud, which rather strongly implies that the normal behavior is to keep them there.