Is IP gained based at all on performance?
Is there any correlation between how well I do in game and how much IP I gain? I already know that winning a game nets you more IP than losing a game.
But for example, if my team carries me to a win despite me going 0-10-0, will I get less IP than if I carry my team by going 15-0-0?
Solution 1:
The only performance metric that affects IP calculations is whether you WIN or LOSE.
The only other variable item that affects IP calculation is the length of the game. (More time spent = more IP earned)
So if you win fast, you'll get less IP than if you win after an hour of hardfought fighting. What's important to note is that on average the amount of IP gained / time spent is the same. (3 games at 20 minutes each should equal 1 game at 60 minutes each, for instance).