New posts in deus-ex-human-revolution

Found hostages dead. Is it a bug?

Can my weapons have more than 3 upgrades?

How do I appease the cops?

What determines whether or not I have hidden a body?

Is there a take-all keyboard shortcut in Deus Ex: Human Revolution?

Does Deus Ex: Human Revolution support a third-person camera on consoles?

Which ending to Deus Ex: HR is considered the canonical one?

How do I earn the Pacifist Achievement?

What types of individuals correspond to the Alpha, Beta, and Omega personality types?

Is there any reason *to* upgrade the biochip in Deus Ex:HR?

The HUD is gone / mispositioned?

How do I remain undetected for the "Cloak and Daggers" mission?

How do I rescue Josie Thorpe?

How do I kill the second boss (Yelena Fedorova) in Deux Ex: Human Revolution? [duplicate]

How do I stop Deus Ex from installing the MSVC redist package at every launch?

How to enable stereoscopic 3D in Deus Ex: Human Revolution?

To Kill or Not to Kill - Zeke in Deus Ex 3

How am I supposed to kill the final boss on the Deus Ex difficulty?

Is there a way to get to a data store located behind a server?

How can I safely walk through Electric water in DX:HR?