How do I kill the second boss (Yelena Fedorova) in Deux Ex: Human Revolution? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

There are lockers around the room with EMP grenades and ammo/weapons in them.

You can knock her out with the EMPs (though be careful to not knock your augmentations out at the same time) and then unload all you've got while she's paralyzed. Repeat as needed.

Try to always stay on the move and don't let her get close to you. You should be able to stay moving long enough to heal up in-between the "paralyze and shoot" rounds. I also recommend saving after each round, so you don't have to restart all the way from the beginning of the fight if things go sour.

Solution 2:

There are two ways to kill her:

One is to collect the EMP grenades scattered between the generators. Throw an EMP grenade and unleash lead to kill her (as mentioned by Anna Lear).

Or the second option, which is a lot easier, is to get the EMP shielding upgrade for the Dermal Armour (if you do not have this upgrade, load an earlier save if you have one and upgrade). With this upgrade you can shoot the generators which will cause an EMP burst which will immobilise her and you will be free to shoot her, because you have the EMP shielding augmentation you will NOT be affected by the EMP burst. I found this boss the easiest of the bunch because of this augmentation.

Solution 3:

The only way I could beat her was to blow up the generators around the outside of the arena and jump around like a madman until they stop shocking me. Rinse and repeat for all four generators. Then I just had to put a few bullets in her and she went down.

Solution 4:

There are several good ways. See the Deus Ex Wiki for a fairly comprehensive list (under Fedorova Tactics).

I've played through the game 6 times, and now I always rely on the stun gun: the boss battles frankly annoy me, and I've found stun gun to be the simplest, most mindless way to end this one. Just shoot it enough times—about 25 times on normal difficulty I believe— and then you get to return to the "real" game. Even if I don't need the stun gun for anything else, it's worth it to carry one for this and certain other encounters.

Solution 5:

The simplest fastest solution is to use the Typhoon System. It only takes 2-3 typhoon blasts on normal difficulty and she's dead. It took me less than 30 seconds this way...