New posts in desktop-environments

How do I remove home folder from the desktop?

Ubuntu Server - How to Remove Desktop

Unity 2d loading instead of Unity 3d at login

Desktop environment isn't working after trying to install GNOME 40

How to run a custom set of programs in a specific workspace?

How to install Deepin Desktop Environment in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS?

What is the difference between Lubuntu and LXDE?

How to reset Ubuntu 18.04 to default theme? [duplicate]

Can't change desktop environment

Settings schema 'org.gnome.mutter.x11' is not installed

How do I write applets for Cinnamon?

How heavy on resources is Cinnamon desktop environment?

Showing all installed programs in Ubuntu

How to lock and unlock keyboard in Ubuntu ?

Will Ubuntu TV be offered in different desktop environments?

Is Unity a Desktop Environment?

How to log out with a command in a gnome-less environment?

How to run .desktop icon from sudo

How to make multiple DEs less messy? Specifically KDE on Ubuntu

How do you make conky appear behind the folders on the desktop?