New posts in delphi-xe2

Delphi XE2: Possible to instantiate a FireMonkey Form in VCL application?

Is COM broken in XE2, and how might I work around it?

Midi Timing Issues with Delphi ASIO VST and MiniHost

Anonymous methods - variable capture versus value capture

Delphi JSON library for XE2 available for object serialization [closed]

Delphi VCL styles tutorial - how to change the style at runtime

Remote debugging with XE2 - display of strings

How to parse nested JSON object in Delphi XE2?

BcdDivide function behave differently in Delphi XE and XE2

TThreadedQueue not capable of multiple consumers?

Webview not displaying in MacOS using Delphi XE2

Why does CreateProcess give error 193 (%1 is not a valid Win32 app)

Required tags not present when using Delphi XML Data Binding Wizard

How to define application version in one place for multiple applications?

How to create "No Activate" form in Firemonkey

SOAP server and client application VCL+indy demo for Delphi XE?

Delphi: Access Violation at the end of Create() constructor

Why cannot take address to a nested local function in 64 bit Delphi?