New posts in delegation

Is there a way to get Kerberos credentials to delegate twice? Why not?

Risks of Kerberos Delegation

What is meant by .delegate=self?

Why would delegated nameservers ever be different to authoritative nameservers?

Enabling Unconstrained Delegation on Active Directory Domains

How can I determine what permissions my user is missing for receiving a ZFS dataset?

How do I avoid Lame DNS or other issues when switching between 3rd party DNS servers?

NS records chicken and egg: NS in the domain it's serving [duplicate]

Can I create DNS records for some hosts, delegate other queries in the same domain to another DNS server?

Active Directory, control to users

Why aren't superclass __init__ methods automatically invoked?

What is a C++ delegate?

Keep inheritance enabled for Delegation [closed]

Examples of Delegates in Swift [closed]

Windows Admin Center Resource Based delegation stopped working with KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED error

DNS referral / delegation: which DNS is responsible; How to delegate the right way?

Delegates in swift?

Can't Promote Server to Secondary Domain Controller