New posts in definition

What is the kernel of a homomorphism?

A question on definition of field of fractions

Is there a formal term for the placement of two symbols next to each other to imply an operation?

Is there any use for local function declarations?

Characterization of lim sup, lim inf

What are the "whole numbers"?

How to show that a given function is a polynomial?

Redeclaration of global variable vs local variable

The exponential map by one-parameter subgroup on linear Lie group

Does a mathematical proof in $\mathbb{C}$ imply a proof in the $\mathbb{R}$? [closed]

Are there mathematical contexts where "finite" implicitly means "nonzero?"

Finitely generated group which is not finitely presented [duplicate]

Give a serious explanation of the difference between an equation and a function.

ReferenceError: variable is not defined

Java: int[] array vs int array[] [duplicate]

Soundness vs completeness, am I understanding? And proving soundness?

Misleading Definitions and Unanswerable Problems in Spivak's Calculus

Must an equation contain at least one variable? Can we call 1+1=2 an equation?

How can we formalise the notion of the face of a planar graph?

Name of integers whose prime factorization is exponent free [squarefree]