New posts in decimal-expansion

Number of zero digits in factorials

What are the two 'sides' of a decimal number called? [duplicate]

Finding the last two digits $123^{562}$

1000! is divisible by 10^n. Find largest value of n [duplicate]

Characterization of non-unique decimal expansions

Decimal Expansion of Pi

Prove that $\lfloor0.999\dots\rfloor= ?$ $0$ or $1$?

Repeatedly dividing $360$ by $2$ preserves that the sum of the digits (including decimals) is $9$

Why a $20$ digit number starting with eleven $1$'s cannot be a perfect square?

Integers $n$ for which the digit sum of $n$ exceeds the digit sum of $n^5$

Have all numbers with "sufficiently many zeros" been proven transcendental?

One divided by Infinity?

How many digits does the integer zero have?

Why are the last two digits of a perfect square never both odd?

2013 USAMO problem 5

Determine $4$ specific digits in $34!$

Is the number $0.112358132134...$ rational or irrational?

Is there any palindromic power of $2$?

Biggest powers NOT containing all digits.

Do the digits of $\pi$ contain every possible finite-length digit sequence? [duplicate]