New posts in debian

debian packages version convention

Check if file crontab runs

How can I resolve the error "cannot execute binary file"?

What does "${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}" do in my terminal prompt?

How can I log users' bash commands?

Can I create an SSH user which can access only certain directory?

What's the difference between 'useradd' and 'adduser'?

How Often Should I Update our Linux Server?

How do I enable non-free packages on Debian?

mount dev, proc, sys in a chroot environment?

How do I find out which package owns a file?

Purpose of Debian "sites-available" and "sites-enabled" directories?

MySQL keeps crashing: InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 11

Question marks showing in ls of directory. IO errors too

automate dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Best way to do Subversion backups?

Can someone clarify Ubuntu (Debian) dist-upgrade for me?

Accessing files on Linux container from host sans root

debian mysql error running shared postrotate script for /var/log/mysql.log

how can I limit per user bandwidth?