New posts in debian

apache2.service: Failed to run 'start' task: No such file or directory

isw_raid_member (Intel Rapid Storage) on Debian

How do I tell aptitude or apt to offer a particular version of lpr?

Pulse Audio settings in XFCE

Error: running qemu on powerpc

Severe write performance problem

ntpdate not updating system time in XenServer VM

what is the purpose and role of rules file in debian packaging

Debugging Apache on Debian, where are the error logs?

What are the major differences between Ubuntu and Debian? [closed]

Why is my computer sending emails

How to set the PHP Api Version for phpize

Execute script/program when file changes

Overwrite ExecStartPre= in systemd drop-in

IP replace default outbound [closed]

How to apt-update when apt is not accepting the repository?

Init.d vs Cron - which to use?

how to open port 53 for bind

Is there a way to build rpm's and deb's on the same system

Ran out of disk space, how to tar without creating copy